Friday, September 21, 2018

Old Foamy Road " The Goat Man"

Old Foamy Road: Photo Credit HauteHaunt

  After researching what was haunted in Cleburne Texas one afternoon out of boredom as I waited in line to pick up my son from school I realized something...I had accidentally driven down Old Foamy road before! So I had to go back. I went back this morning to check out Old Foamy road.

  I actually found the tree tunnel to be very pretty and the creek itself as well.  Thinking back there were a couple of strange things that I noticed at the time. As I drove along the road, albeit lost but admiring the scenic drive I saw the corpse of a cat hanging from a barbed fence...all I could think was what kind of person does that to a pet? A car was coming so I couldn't stop to check it out despite my morbid curiosity and childlike reaction to poke it with a stick I kept driving. I did not know where I was and my cell service was low. I did get a little worried when I saw someone emerge from the woods wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up. I told myself it was a teen and despite the Texas heat, looking cool or hiding was the only reason to have their hood up. It did make me nervous so I found my way to the main road and drove on home.

On my second trip to Old Foamy this morning I was looking for anything strange or out of place. Mainly I just noticed how pretty the road would have been if not littered with beer cans. I stopped at the bridge and took the photos of the creek that you can see to the left. It was calm and peaceful. I asked if there were any spirits there that would like to be known, or of the "Goat Man" was there. I heard a rustling in the trees, which I do not know what it was but it didn't appear to draw any closer so I didn't feel rushed to leave. I've read stories that bodies were found here, I haven't seen any actual proof that this happened so it's just a local urban legend. If anyone has any input on this or stories they would like to share please leave comments. One odd thing I did notice was a fresh pile of what appeared to be mulch and soil that had many mushrooms growing on top of it... my thought was that perhaps someone had buried an animal there recently, it was the kind of mulch you buy at Lowes for gardening. ( See Photo below) I didn't think I should disturb the ground. I also noticed some sort of graffiti on a rock that was in a smaller creek bed. It appears to say A +C  or Arc. I wish I had more information. I plan to research the history of the area and the possible murders in my upcoming posts.
 Mulch pile found on side of the road with mushrooms growing 


  1. Interesting, having grown up in this area, I've not heard of the Goat Man. Now, I'm gonna have to go check out this area too! I'm anxious to read your posts!! Thank you! Jana sHAW

    1. Thanks for reading and sharing Jana, hopefully we can hear about your experience as well. Happy Haunts!
