Tuesday, July 13, 2021

 Greetings! I haven't posted in forever, I was actually managing a new blog that's beauty/witchcraft related. Check it out here ! The Beauty Witch there you can find my beauty reviews, recommendations, rantings and also a host of spells,elixers and tonics for all your supernatural beauty needs.

I went to the Red Horse antique mall in Cleburne, TX recently. I couldn't help but notice all the creepy dolls and art5icles available in that store right now. Take a look at that clowns creepy AF. I might just go back for him, keep my kids in check if I had that thing. Makes me wonder if bringing antique items into your home runs the risk of a haunting? I do believe that energy can attach itself to items. But can souls and spirits? We have all seen Chucky and he's no good guy. Have you heard of Robert the doll? Here's some more pics of what I found at Red Horse Antique Mall.

Something about these guys gives me shivers.